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The element of fire

At Stûv, we believe in the fascinating power of fire, which has us spending hours watching logs burn. Let yourself become inspired by our universe. Discover how our stoves and fireplaces can fit perfectly into your personal décor, and learn more about the fine art of fire control and how to care for a Stûv unit.

Stûv lifestyle


The Heart of the Home

Stûv lifestyle

“Choosing a double-sided wood-burning fireplace has transformed our home into a warm and elegant space”

Stûv lifestyle


Four walls, one roof, an abandoned cottage

Stûv lifestyle


The balance between durability and comfort

Stûv lifestyle


Woodburning fans love the comforting feeling that their fireplace or stove provides. In the spirit of the season, we’ve unearthed for you some great gift ideas made right here in Quebec. You'll even find inspiration for those who don't have a wood-burning unit, but love the atmosphere it gives off!

Stûv lifestyle

How to Restore an Old Masonry Hearth to Its Former Glory

Rest assured, there are several ways to add style to an old masonry hearth while making it more energy-efficient.

Stûv lifestyle


A new by-law regulating the use of wood-burning heating appliances (R.V.Q. 2954) will come into effect in the Québec City area in September of 2026.

Stûv lifestyle


Wood stoves and fireplaces tend to become the focal point of a room, and even of a home. And they bring people together. In the cold winter months and on chilly evenings, it is often around the fire that people gather to create lasting memories. It is therefore important that this appliance fit into the decor, while also suiting the lifestyle and meeting the needs of the home’s occupants.

Stûv lifestyle

To see only fire

Belgian in design, these appliances offer performance and efficiency in addition to a wide range of installation possibilities.

Stûv lifestyle


So much to offer in such a small package!

Stûv lifestyle

Fire, essential element since the dawn of time

Why all this fascination with fire? When so many heating options are now available, why is it still important for many of us to integrate a "place of fire" right within our homes?

Stûv lifestyle

Why are wood stoves and fireplaces popular in 2022?

Today, fire creates a sense of security the same way it used to when mankind used it for protection thousands and thousands of years ago.

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